I finally found the time to write... leisurely, that is. January and February turned out to be busy months for me. =)
Anyway, I did some goal-checking and discovered that so far, I have done something about goals # 2, #5 and a little of #4 (flash sheepish smile).
Goal #2: Lose some more weight - Today, I signed up for a gym membership... determined (more than ever) to become a babe (again!) after the babies. Hehehe. I plan to hit the gym every morning before heading for work. I look forward to the amazing group exercises the gym has to offer. Finally, some "me" time. Felt like hitting two birds with one stone... I can work out and kinda have some dance classes (via dance workouts). Not bad!
Goal #5: Find a review program for my eldest to prepare him for high school entrance exams. - Yeah! I did a lot of research and found summer advancement programs for my two kids (Miko and Maki). Programs will start on April and will run for about three weeks. Miko's review program for high school entrance exams will start on June, though.
Goal #4: Come up with an efficient and disciplined savings plan by 1st quarter of the year. - I'm getting there. I already figured out how to do it... now all I need is to have the right discipline to stick to it. Sometimes, vacations and dine out are simply too irresistible especially when you know it will make Hubby and the kids happy. :)
So I guess, this isn't a bad start for me. :)
I continue to keep my finger crossed and hope that 2010 will be a better year for me and my family.