Yes, breastfeeding while working can work! Yes, it's possible and yes, many working moms have been successful in continuing to breastfeed even after they have returned to work. Again, the key is commitment and when you start to falter, remind yourself that this is the best choice for you and your baby.
Here are some tips that made breastfeeding while working work for me:
1. Find time to talk to your boss and your teammates about your decision to breastfeed. You need to express milk every three hours so it will help if they are aware of these adjustments in your schedule. Let them know about the advantages of breastfeeding so they will know where you are coming from. Remember, studies show that breastfed babies are usually healthier than formula fed babies. This means less number of days of having to take a leave from work to take care of a sick baby.
2. Now is the best time to test your time management skills. Plan your day. List down the things that you have to do and fix your schedule so that you will have the time to express your milk. In my case, I come to work early so I will have the chance to pump milk before office hours start. Morning and afternoon coffee breaks eventually became pumping sessions for me. I also express milk before I have lunch. As a result, I manage to squeeze in four pumping sessions during the day without affecting my usual work schedule. I'm confident you will also figure out a schedule that will work for you. The idea is to be able to express milk every 3-4 hours to maintain your milk supply.
3. You may want to invest on a double electric pump that is efficient in expressing breastmilk. Of course, you can always express milk manually. It's really a matter of choice. In my case, I decided to invest on a Medela Pump In Style unit. The product never failed me. It made pumping sessions convenient for me because it is very efficient in expressing milk. I am able to simultaneously empty both breasts in a matter of 10-15 minutes. The pump is also of good quality. I bought it when I had my second child and was still able to use the pump when I had my third baby.
4. If you have a refrigerator in the office, you may store the milk there during the day and transfer them into a handy cooler before you leave the office. Keep in mind though that your officemates may not be comfortable seeing breastmilk-filled bottles so you may want to put the bottles inside a paper bag so they'll go unnoticed.
5. Label every milk container with the time and the date you have expressed the milk so you will know when to discard them if unconsumed.
6. Nursing your baby should, ideally, be the last thing to do before leaving for work and the first thing to do when you arrive home. Inform the person looking after your baby if you are on your way home. You may want to have the last bottle skipped so that your baby will be ready to nurse the moment you arrive. Your baby is far more efficient in emptying your breasts than any other breast pump so nurse as much as you can.
7. You and your baby should be inseparable during the weekend. Breastfeed your baby during the weekend. This will help you maintain and even boost your milk supply.
8. During pumping sessions, try bringing with you a picture of your baby to help you relax. The let-down reflex is easier achieved when you're relaxed.
9. Make sure you have extra bottles or milk storage bags with you in case you need to stay late in the office.
10. Finally, maintain a positive attitude about the whole thing. Remind yourself that this is one thing only mommies can do so cherish the experience.
Again, I am happy that you have chosen to breastfeed. I hope that more and more moms will make the same decision. =)