When I started this mommy blog, I promised myself I will write something about breastfeeding. I am a mom of three boys. My first baby was mostly formula fed as I gave up on breastfeeding after the first month. I tried mixed feeding with my second baby. He was breastfed when we were together and was given formula milk when I was away. I was able to do this for nine months. Finally, my third baby was exclusively breastfed during the first six months of his life. Yes, not a single drop of formula milk touched his lips as I was more than determined to solely provide his nourishment. I started mixed feeding him during his 7th month, when he was ready to take solids as well. Simply put, I am a convert when it comes to breastfeeding.
Reality-check: Breastfeeding is not a bed of roses. It is a commitment as it can be challenging for the mom - physically and emotionally. At some point, a breastfeeding mom's social life may have to take a backseat because she is "tied down" to her baby especially during the early months when milk supply is still being established. A working mom, on the other hand, will have to find time to express milk every 3 hours during the day to keep the milk supply up. Breastfeeding in public is also an art that a breastfeeding mom should learn. In between all these, she will have to cope with sore nipples, leaking milk and plugged milk ducts from time to time.
Given all these, why, then, should you breastfeed?
Experience has taught me that to be successful in breastfeeding, one should be fully convinced that breastfeeding provides the best nourishment for a newborn. One should be a believer of the amazing benefits it can give not only to the newborn but to the mother as well so that no amount of discomfort or inconvenience can and will discourage you and make you change your mind about breastfeeding.
To do this, my only advice is: educate yourself about breastfeeding. Read as many materials as you can that talk about breastfeeding and its benefits. It is also equally important that you read about challenges you may face while breastfeeding. Becoming aware will help you learn how to cope with each difficulty that may come in the way. I assure you, everything you will read about breastfeeding will come in handy when you're actually there. I am also confident that breastfeeding your baby is one decision you will never regret.
To get you started, I will try to put together everything that I have learned about breastfeeding in another post and also try to give some breastfeeding tips that have done wonders for me. Meanwhile, hold that thought because you're on the right track in giving your baby only the best.
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