5:15am - I prepare baons for the Kuyas and me. All three of us bring packed lunch and snacks because (1) there have been a lot of reports about food poisoning from cafeteria food, (2) the kids have super quick recess and lunch breaks making it more practical to bring their own food than waste time in the canteen line, and (3) it's budget-friendly. Son #1 and I also bring packed breakfast. He eats his breakfast while in the car on his way to school while I eat mine in the office. We prefer this over waking up super early (as if 4:15am is not super early) just to squeeze in breakfast.
5:30am - After making last minute bilins to our helper, we leave home. Son #1's classes and Daddy's office hours start at 7am.
6:00am - I clock in for work... 3 hours early. I don't mind. I have time to eat my breakfast, have coffee, do some reading (of blogs and news), and even write entries for my blog (Mommyholic and Our Little Family ). During days of heavy workload, I also get to have more time to work on my reports.
9am to 6pm - Work. Work. Work. 'Nuff said.
6pm - I leave the office. Everyday, I make sure I am done with my deliverables for the day before 6pm because I go home with Daddy and Son #1. We make quick trips to the supermarket if there are things that the Kuyas need to bring to school the next day or if Daddy wants to buy dessert for the family. Otherwise, we head straight home.
6:45pm - Home sweet home. Daddy usually plays with our 2-year old son # 3 while I check the Kuya's assignment notebooks.
7-7:30pm - Dinner time
7:30-8pm - I ask our helper how son # 3's day went (i.e., check if he was given his vitamins, what he ate, and how long his naps were today). I also give my little boy a quick bath. He sleeps better when clean and fresh. We all do, I guess!
8pm-9:30pm - Web time for me. I check my blogs and facebook account, help the Kuyas with their research works, and look for good running events to join. I stay up a little later if need be. Otherwise, I make sure I am done by 9:30pm so I can still have 7 hours of sleep.
9:30pm - I say my prayers (thank God because I have my Hubby and kids, ask Him to continue to watch over my loved ones, say sorry if I have been maldita today, etc), give quick kisses to my hubby and kids, and then sleep.
This is how I usually spend my Mondays. How about you? Do share! =)
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