Wednesday, September 9, 2009

When I Became a Mom

When I became a Mom…

  1. I forgot what sleeping through the night meant as I had to wake up every three hours or so to feed the baby.
  2. I stopped needing an alarm clock to make sure I didn’t oversleep in the morning. My baby’s cry was more than enough to jumpstart my day.
  3. I began to wonder where my waistline went. It left without saying goodbye.
  4. I recorded everything that went in and out of my baby’s system (read as how many ounces of milk he consumed and how frequent he pooped) just to make sure everything was okay. I never did that for myself.
  5. My sense of hearing became my superpower. I hear every sound my baby makes, even if I am in the other room.
  6. I began frowning upon forms that asked me to indicate my weight.
  7. Social life meant email and sms exchanges as well as phone conversations with friends.
  8. I became a worrywart.
  9. To assess whether an item is expensive or reasonable, I began converting it in terms of diaper and milk denomination.
  10. I stopped wearing white.

Yes, things have changed since the babies came but to all three of them I say, these little sacrifices are nothing compared to the joy that they have given me.

To my Miko, Maki and Mako…

  1. I don’t mind waking up every three hours or so to feed you because it is during those quiet times when our bond as mother and child becomes stronger. The unique gift of being able to provide your nourishment makes me feel significant in this world.
  2. Every morning, I am reminded of how blessed I am because of the gift of “you.” I learned how to give unconditional love because you have given me the same.
  3. I realized how much I have changed. Beyond the physical changes, you brought direction to my life, made me stronger and more responsible. You also brought me closer to God.
  4. I realized that the seed of selflessness is one characteristic that is present in everyone and becoming a mother (a parent, for that matter) awakens that part of us.
  5. Neither space nor distance can weaken that special connection we have, having been inside of me for quite some time.
  6. Weight has become only a number… one which (I admit) I still try to reduce but if given the chance to choose, I would still choose to have you even it meant a heavier, rounder me.
  7. I am happiest when I am with you and so I look forward to spending every minute of my life with you.
  8. I love you and want all that is best for you… and so I want to be there to personally attend to your every need. Yes, honey, Mommy will always be here for you.
  9. I hope to be able to provide your every need as well and give you a comfortable life… because you deserve only the best.
  10. Playtime is funtime for Mommy, too. I want you to have happy childhood memories to bring with you when you grow up. I will also cherish them and reminisce every now and then when I am already old.

So see, I have no regret at all that I had you. You are God’s greatest gift to me and every night, as I watch you sleep, I will always be thankful for the wonderful experience of being a Mom. I love you with all my heart.

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